Closures in JavaScript and How Angular Utilizes Them Behind the Hood 🚀

🔍 Unveiling the Power of Closures in Angular's DI, Change Detection, and Event Binding.


5 min read

Closures are a fundamental concept in JavaScript, providing a way for functions to remember their lexical scope even when executed outside of their original context. Angular, built on TypeScript (which compiles to JavaScript), leverages closures in various ways to achieve encapsulation, memory efficiency, and modularity.

In this article, we will explore:

  • What closures are and how they work

  • Practical examples of closures

  • How Angular internally utilizes closures

  • Real-world scenarios in Angular where closures provide benefits

1. Understanding Closures

A closure is a function that retains access to its parent scope even after the parent function has finished executing. This happens because functions in JavaScript carry their lexical environment with them.

Example of a Closure

function outerFunction(outerVariable) {
  return function innerFunction(innerVariable) {
    console.log(`Outer Variable: ${outerVariable}`);
    console.log(`Inner Variable: ${innerVariable}`);

const newFunction = outerFunction("Hello");

// Output:
// Outer Variable: Hello
// Inner Variable: World

Here, innerFunction still has access to outerVariable, even though outerFunction has finished executing.

2. How Closures Work Under the Hood

Whenever a function is created inside another function, it forms a closure by carrying its lexical scope. This scope consists of:

  1. Local variables

  2. Parent function variables

  3. Global variables (if needed)

JavaScript’s garbage collector normally cleans up variables once they go out of scope, but closures retain the memory reference, preventing garbage collection.

3. How Angular Utilizes Closures Internally

Angular makes extensive use of closures in its internals, including:

a) Dependency Injection Mechanism

Angular’s dependency injection (DI) system often utilizes closures to maintain encapsulated services.

Example of Dependency Injection using Closures

class DataService {
  private data: string = "Some Data";

  getData() {

function Injector() {
  let services = {};

  return {
    register: function (key, instance) {
      services[key] = instance;
    resolve: function (key) {
      return services[key];

const injector = Injector();
injector.register("DataService", new DataService());

const dataServiceInstance = injector.resolve("DataService");
console.log(dataServiceInstance.getData()); // "Some Data"

The Injector function uses a closure to keep track of registered services, preventing them from being exposed globally.

b) Event Binding and Change Detection

Angular’s event binding mechanism relies on closures to retain event handlers without memory leaks.

Example: Using Closures in Event Binding

  selector: "app-example",
  template: `<button (click)="handleClick()">Click Me</button>`,
export class ExampleComponent {
  count = 0;

  handleClick() {
    console.log(`Button clicked ${this.count} times`);

Behind the scenes, Angular's change detection mechanism wraps event handlers inside a closure, ensuring that the handleClick function retains access to this.count.

c) Zone.js for Change Detection

Angular uses Zone.js to track asynchronous operations and update the UI accordingly. Zone.js patches async functions like setTimeout, Promises, and XHR calls using closures.

Example: How Angular Uses Closures in Zone.js

const originalSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;

window.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  return originalSetTimeout(() => {
    console.log("Intercepted Timeout");
  }, delay);

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log("Timeout executed");
}, 1000);

// Output:
// Intercepted Timeout
// Timeout executed

Zone.js wraps setTimeout inside a closure to track execution and trigger change detection.

d) Lazy Loading and Closures

Angular uses closures to lazy load modules efficiently, ensuring that unused parts of the application are not loaded into memory.

Example: Closure in Lazy Loading

const LazyModule = () => import("./lazy/lazy.module").then(m => m.LazyModule);

The function LazyModule forms a closure, keeping the module reference isolated and loaded only when needed.

4. Real-World Scenarios Where Closures Help in Angular

a) Memoization in Angular Pipes

Closures help memoize function outputs, optimizing performance.

Example: Memoized Pipe using Closures

@Pipe({ name: "expensiveComputation" })
export class ExpensiveComputationPipe implements PipeTransform {
  private cache = {};

  transform(value: number): number {
    if (this.cache[value]) {
      return this.cache[value]; // Return cached result

    this.cache[value] = value * 2; // Expensive operation
    return this.cache[value];

Here, cache is stored using a closure, reducing redundant computations.

b) Encapsulation in Angular Services

Closures enable private variables in Angular services.

Example: Closure in Angular Service

@Injectable({ providedIn: "root" })
export class CounterService {
  private count = 0; // Private variable

  increment() {
    return this.count;

  getCount() {
    return this.count;

Here, count is encapsulated, preventing direct modification.

5. Key Benefits of Using Closures in Angular

FeatureHow Closures Help
EncapsulationHide internal logic, exposing only necessary methods
Memory EfficiencyKeep variables in scope only when needed
Event HandlingMaintain event listeners without memory leaks
Lazy LoadingLoad components/services on demand
Zone.js IntegrationTrack async operations effectively

6. Potential Pitfalls of Closures in Angular

While closures are powerful, they can lead to memory leaks if not handled properly. Common issues include:

  • Unintended variable retention (closures keeping references longer than necessary)

  • Memory leaks in event handlers (not unsubscribing from observables)

  • Performance overhead (if too many closures are created)

  1. Unsubscribe from Observables

     private subscription: Subscription;
     ngOnInit() {
       this.subscription = this.myService.getData().subscribe();
     ngOnDestroy() {
  2. Use WeakMap for Caching

     private cache = new WeakMap<object, number>();
  3. Manually Clear References

     this.largeObject = null;

7. Conclusion

Closures play a vital role in Angular’s internals, helping manage dependency injection, event handling, lazy loading, and change detection. Understanding closures not only improves your JavaScript skills but also enhances your ability to write efficient Angular applications.

By mastering closures, you can:

âś… Improve memory management
âś… Optimize performance
âś… Enhance modularity in Angular apps